時間:8月13日至16日 地點:泰國曼谷 費用:訓練費用免費,機票住宿等開支需自費。 名額:2名 課程簡述: The workshop will focus on PBN and airspace concepts, practical information related to PBN application, and exercises to improve understanding of PBN. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to exchange their experiences on the application of PBN procedures with each other during the workshop. In this regard, it is encouraged for operational air traffic controllers and ATC instructors as well as regulators and air navigation service providers (ANSP) to attend the workshop. The training will also be beneficial for ATC instructors and facility supervisors who conduct air traffic controller training. 報名方式:依協會出席國際會議選拔辦法辦理,填具申請表於6/28前email至秘書處信箱([email protected])。 |